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Welcome to my website! I'm Egil, a 27 year old guy from Norway. I make both useful and useless websites just for fun. Feel free to check out my websites and projects or anything else on this website. Also feel free to contact me on Telegram, Bluesky or Email if there's anything you're curious about.

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The future of SoundWorld As a consequence of more and more radio stations turning into subscription required premium stations, it becomes harder and harder to keep SoundWorld usable. Therefor the website soundworld.io has been shut down and the radio player is now moved to radio.egil.io where it will be available for some time. Users can until 1 January 2025 transfer their data from soundworld.io to the new website. Instructions on how to transfer your data is written on soundworld.io. Some stations has unfortunately had to been removed and are no longer available. SoundWorld will likely be replaced by something new sometime in the future that I'll post more about later. 2024-12-14 23:22:01 SoundWorld Notat.net gets a visual improvement Notat.net now looks better than it used to. 2022-11-01 20:33:05 Notat.net SoundWorld 3.5.1 released This update includes bugfixes and small visual improvements, such as: - "No history" text in History now looks better - Text shadow was missing on text some places - Fixed wrong border color between settings in Settings - Fixed bug where Full screen player would not open when clicking in the center of the bottom bar - Alert box got a visual improvement - Fixed bug where "Darker slider" in settings didn’t show value onload - You can now hide scrollbars as an option in Settings - Text in the main app is now non-selectable as default, except places where you'd want to select text 2022-10-31 23:23:20 SoundWorld SoundWorld 3.5 released Today SoundWorld 3.5 is available for anyone to use on the internet. This update includes a huge visual improvement with very customisable theme settings, including animated backgrounds, background pictues and custom accent color. 2022-10-19 22:10:29 SoundWorld SoundWorld 3.4 released A new version of the insanely great radio player is now available! This update includes many changes and improvements such as: - A completely new design - Theme colors - Better optimisation for mobile - Option to see clock or time played Check it out here: Soundworld.io 2022-07-02 05:39:43 SoundWorld SoundWorld 3.3 released A new version of the insanely great radio player is now available! This update includes many changes and improvements such as: - A completely new design - Choose theme color - More stations - Option to show clock or time played - Improvements for mobile Check it out here: Soundworld.io 2021-06-24 00:00:00 SoundWorld Introducing Notat.net Notat.net is my latest website. This new website makes it easy to share notes with anyone on the internet with just an access code. Try it at Notat.net 2021-01-26 00:00:00 Notat.net 2021 is here Finally, many might say, the year 2020 is over and 2021 is here. I wish everybody visiting any my websites a happy new year. 2021-01-01 00:00:00 Personal SoundWorld 3.2 released SoundWorld 3.2 is now available on Soundworld.ioNew in this version is an improved sidebar, improved full screen player, a new search page, a few new settings and many small improvements. 2020-11-29 00:00:00 SoundWorld SoundWorld 3.1 released SoundWorld 3.1 is now finished and published. The new version introduces features like history, play random station, option for darker background and spacebar to pause. 2020-07-23 00:00:00 SoundWorld SoundWorld 3.0 released SoundWorld 3.0 is finally complete and is now available on the main domain to be used by anyone. SoundWorld 3.0 has been built from scratch and is not based on any previous versions of SoundWorld. This way the new version of SoundWorld is a lot more prepared for the future than the previous version was. News in this version are a improved favorite system, improved added system, search, playing station highlighting, duration timer, low/high stream options, custom backgrounds, equalizer and an entirely new look. The way new stations are beeing added has also been completely changed so it makes it A LOT easier to add more stations to the service as time goes on. Check it out here! 2020-07-04 00:00:00 SoundWorld Best videos on YouTube I've made a list of the best videos on YouTube 2020-06-08 00:00:00 Personal